Good things come to those who wait…..Jurassic Water takes a lifetime to trickle through the ancient layers of lime stone and rock, beneath the Jurassic Coast in Dorset, one of Britains’ most beautiful and unspoilt places, with a huge Historic Heritage.

Because of this long filtering process, Jurassic Water achieves crystal clear purity and acquires a wonderful balance of healthy minerals on its long travels.

The logo on each bottle represents an Ammonite – A prehistoric sea creature that lived more than 65 million years ago and whose fossils are widely found on the 185 miles stretch of the magnificent Jurassic Coast Line.

It’s the unique geology of this region on the south coast of Dorset, that gives this precious subterranean water, its delicate Flavour and Health Benefits.

Truly an amazing quality water and one of the World’s Best.

The Jurassic Coast is a 185 miles stretch of glorious English (Dorset) coast line, designated as a World Heritage Site and therefore the heritage of this unique water is unequalled.

The story goes that people in many small villages in the Dorset Coast, swear by the Quality of this water and one of the villagers, who fed his dog with this fine Jurassic Water (during its lifetime) managed to live happily to the ripe old age of 27…..however, we cant promise your dog will……

Jurassic Water is now is available for the world to taste and enjoy its health benefits

.....Health, Heritage and Taste, all in a 1 Jurassic bottle….